Sunday, November 14, 2010


Yesterday Corey found a ham recipe on the Internet. He sent me the link for it and we both agreed it sounded good.

He went to Wal-Mart, got the ingredients and he and Jayden put it together.

Jayden, with Corey's help made the "funeral" potatoes…yummy stuff.

Stacey was at work all this time.

When it was about ready I drove up to their house for a good tummy filling.

Around midday yesterday I started feeling ill while I was doing my thing in the pool. It felt/feels like the flu but I had a flu shot several weeks ago. I am still feeling the effects. I only went to sacrament meeting today then came home.

Judy is in Minneapolis visiting with her mother, Bev. She is supposed to come home tomorrow morning—going straight to work from the airport.

The weather is bad back there plus the flights don't look good, space available wise so who knows.

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