Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The other day Greg and Corey and I were talking and the conversation turned to kids.

Greg mentioned that Alexa at age four is really into computers. She will spend hours on "approved" web sites that they have put the icons for on the monitor.

The other day Alexa called her dad into their home office (she often calls him "Greg") and said "Will you print this for me?"

She had somehow traced her hand on the computer and drawn feathers on it to look like a Thanksgiving turkey. After that she wrote "B.Y.U." on the body. It's all part of the BYU University of Utah, playing both ends against the middle game she plays.

Greg responded with an emphatic "No"; which, when he says it that way sounds like a drawn-out "Newwwwww".

Later Greg said, "I guess you'll have to go live with Avery", her next-door neighbor friend whose family are BYU fans.

Alexa responded with, "Ok, I'll go pack my things; I'll sleep with Avery. Her bed is big enough!"

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